Take advantage of your knowledge.

Look back at your life. Do you have experience working with certain products? If you are able to focus your e-commerce from your background, it will be much easier for you to become an authority in your sector.

Follow your passion

If you don’t have an experience that you can exploit to sell online, it may be time to reinvent yourself professionally. Reflect on what you always wanted to do and build your business around it. Your online store will require long-term dedication, and you will only stay motivated if you enjoy the theme you finally choose.

Research your keywords

In online sales, it is essential to position yourself with the appropriate keywords to attract traffic from Google and save money on buying Adwords or Facebook Ads ads. Your content must match what users enter in the search engine. You can use Google’s own Keyword Planner tool to get ideas. It is recommended that the search volume for your keyword ranges between 5,000-10,000 per month. To this, we must add searches for secondary keywords and long tail keywords.

Choose a niche

Niches are specific products in the market. You must analyze your potential competition to ensure that there is demand for your product. For this, there are many tools, free or paid, such as the SEMRush software. The lack of competition usually means an absence of demand, but if you focus on an excessively competitive niche, it will be difficult for you to position yourself. The best niches are those that have competition but not too much.